Pricing a home in Utah County is important. Many
Sellers overprice a listing when first bringing the home
into the Utah County Real Estate market. The single, biggest issue on most home sellers' minds when
selling their homes in Utah County is how to achieve the
highest sale price; yet most homeowners feel disadvantaged
and ill-equipped to achieve this goal. Pricing a home is an
imperfect science to begin with, and market factors, as well
as the skill of the Realtor responsible for negotiating, can
cause large swings. Pricing your home in Utah County
correctly at the beginning is very important.
In fact, I had a home appraised in Springville, Utah in
December 2011. The home was first appraised for
$535k by one buyer. The buyer backed out and
didn't buy the home. A second buyer came along a
few weeks later and got an appraisal for $410k on the
same home. It was later discovered that the exact
same appraisal company had done both appraisals.
They were $125k different in the price! I have
little respect for the appraisal system and know how to
price a home correctly to sell in this market. Appraisals are like art--they are just one person's
However, negotiating effectively does not have to be as
difficult or scary as you would expect. Like anything else,
if you have a proven system to follow (and know the signals
and the language), you can successfully cause the tables to
turn in your favor. Who better to borrow these skills from
than your Realtor, who sits across the table
in trying to out-bargain his opponent on a daily basis?

The best way to get an offer accepted is to appeal to a
buyer's emotions. Why? Because residential Real Estate
transactions are put together--and sometimes blow up--over
emotional hotbeds of insanity, lunacy, and what often seems
to be bipolar mood swings. So it helps if you can give the
seller a reason to care about you.
Let the potential buyer know why you fell in love with your home.
Explain to them how you have taken care of the home. Tell
them about the schools, neighbors, neighborhood, shopping,
and after school activities. If they have children, tell
them about the children in the neighborhood who would make
great friends. Buyers don’t want to just buy the home
itself, but they also want to buy a wonderful, positive environment
that suits their family. Remember this: Buyers are buying
on emotion. If it feels good, they will pay much more money
for an identical home in the right neighborhood. Do you need
help pricing your home in Utah County?
Paul Teasdale has negotiated over one hundred eighty million dollars in homes right here in Utah County.
Less than one percent of the Realtors in Utah County have
this much home selling experience. Let us stand in your corner. We
will save you time and money! If you need help pricing your
home in Utah County contact Team Teasdale Realty.
What is a fixed rate mortgage?