These graphs represent the Utah County Homes Listed and
Sold priced between $250k-$500k. The Utah County
Association of Realtors started tracking this data back
in 2009. This statistical data was gathered from the
MLS. Each plot on the graph below represents the number
of listings in this price range.
The number of homes listed in this price range took a
nice dive from about 1,500 homes for sale in 2009 to
around 1,000 by the end of the year. The downward trend
continued in 2010. Most homes selling during this time
Utah County Bank Foreclosures and
Utah County Short Sales. The inventory of this price
range was stable in 2011 and 2012 and cliimbed in 2013.

Number of Homes Sold Homes Listed
Between $250-$500k
The number of Utah County sold homes
listed between $250k-$500k has been climbing since the
begining of 2012. In fact, we had a little over 200
homes in this price range sell in July of 2013. This was
our highest number of homes selling over the past five
years. Historically, homes in this price range appear to
sell the most between the months of May thru September.
Eagle Mountain Utah Short Sales